193rd General Court Caucus Priority Bills
H.2319/S.1535 An Act to ensure appropriate access to medical parole
By Sen. Jehlen and Rep. Domb - Factsheet
Prison Construction and Facilities
H.1795/S.1979 An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium
By Sen. Comerford and Rep. Tyler
Data Collection and Oversight
H.1802/S.931 An Act improving juvenile justice data collection
By Sen. Creem and Rep. Vargas
S.1548 An Act establishing a correctional inspector general office
By Sen. Miranda
S.1545 /H.3646 An Act creating an independent correctional oversight office to facilitate the recommendations of the Special Legislative Commission on Structural Racism in Correctional Facilities of the Commonwealth
By Sen. Miranda and Rep. Holmes
H.1820/S.1011 An Act relative to compensation for victims of wrongful conviction
By Sen. Jehlen and Rep. Worrell
Mental Health and Healthcare in Prisons
S.1579/H.2350 An Act to ensure compliance with the anti-shackling law for pregnant incarcerated women
By Sen. Rausch, Rep. Khan and Rep. Sousa
H.2357/S.1499 An Act to promote rehabilitation including guaranteed health, treatment, and safety for incarcerated LGBTQI+ people
By Sen. Cyr, Rep. Lewis and Rep. Montano
H.1966/S.1247 An Act ensuring access to addiction services
By Sen. Friedman and Rep. Balser - Factsheet
Re-entry and Education
SD.2536/H.348 An Act relative to increasing opportunities for employment in professional licensure
By Sen Creem, Rep. Ultrino and Rep. LeBoeuf
S.959/H.1806 An Act to prevent the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences based on juvenile adjudications
By Sen. Eldridge and Rep. Moran - Factsheet
H.1789 An Act relative to prison reform
By Rep. Tyler
S.1493/H.2325 An Act relative to rehabilitation, re-entry, and human rights for incarcerated persons
By Sen. Creem and Rep. Fluker Oakley - Factsheet
H.515/S.1542 An Act to ensure educational rights are upheld for incarcerated youth
By Sen. Miranda and Rep. Keefe
CORI Reform
S.979/H.1598 An Act providing easier and greater access to record sealing
By Sen. Friedman and Rep. Keefe
Prison Visitations and Calls
H.2314/S.1541 An Act to strengthen family and community connection with incarcerated people (Strengthening Visitation)
By Sen. Miranda and Rep. Decker - Factsheet
H. 1796/S.1494 An Act relative to telephone service for inmates in all correctional and other penal institutions in the Commonwealth (No Cost Calls)
By Sen. Creem and Rep. Tyler - Factsheet