192nd General Court Priority Bills and Subcommittees
COVID-19 Treatment and Medical Parole
An Act regarding decarceration and COVID-19
An Act to remove barriers to medical parole
An Act to reduce mass incarceration
An Act to promote equitable access to parole
An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium
Data Collection and Accountability
An Act to create uniform standards in use of force, increase transparency, and reduce harm in correctional facilities
An Act improving juvenile justice data collection
An Act relative to clarity and consistency for the justice reinvestment oversight board
An Act to provide criminal justice reform protections to all prisoners in segregated confinement
An Act to establishing a commission to review substance use in correctional facilities
Mental Health and Healthcare in Prisons
An Act to ensure the constitutional rights and human dignity of prisoners on mental health watch
An Act relative to ensuring quality mental health services in state correctional facilities
An Act to promote rehabilitation including guaranteed health, treatment, and safety for incarcerated LGBTQI+ people
An Act to ensure compliance with the anti-shacking law
An Act ensuring access to addiction services
Re-entry and Education
An Act ensuring equitable access to cannabis-related expungement
An Act to prevent the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences based on juvenile adjudications
An Act to increase voter registration, participation, and to help prevent recidivism
An Act to reinvest justice and opportunity in communities affected by incarceration
An Act providing for certificates of rehabilitation, second chances, increased success, and community prosperity
Prison Visitations
An Act relative to inmate telephone calls
An Act relative to media access and transparency in correctional facilities
An Act to strengthen family and community connection with incarcerated people
An Act to reduce recidivism and promote family relationships during incarceration